
Tuesday 25 October 2016

How to make a blog post - Afu

This is a DLO of how to make a blog post. I made this DLO so that people can know how to post up a DLO or something else they did, like if a junior had trouble posting there blog post they could come and look at this DLO. I think this is a good DLO because it can help people if they had trouble.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Reading Challenge - Afu

 L.I: was to follow instruction and making sure we had to read for the meaning and understanding.
This week for reading we completed our groups reading challenges, Mrs Anderson split us up into groups, my group was Mere, Ana, Silivia, CJ, Sylis, and Harry. Mrs Anderson put down some challenges for us to do collaboratively. The first challenge we did was explaining our story in twenty-five words. The second challenge was to fill in the spaces, our story tickling fish. Our third challenge was to fill in the spaces. Our last challenge was to fill in the spaces, our story was Fish. My favourite challenge was fill in the spaces and the story was Fish, that was my favourite challenge because it was more challenging than the other challenges.

Friday 14 October 2016

Inquiry: Dehydration and Hydration - Afu, Charlize, Mahdia, Jessie

Today for Inquiry Charlize, Mahdia, Jessie and I made a DLO about Dehydration and Hydration. We have been talking about how our school is   only aloud to bring water to school. In this DLO it shows What is hydration, What is Dehydration, write what dehydration and hydration is in 25 words, how does water help us, and why is drinking water in school important. It also shows what the differences between hydration and dehydration. Did you know an energy drink is the same as eating 12 chocolate biscuits. It's like eating nearly a whole bag of chocolate chips cookies.