Today in the afternoon room 3 and 4 came to LS2 for buddy reading. My buddy was named Pati he is from room 4, we read a book named Early bird. This story was about a cat named Slinky Malinki, he wakes up very early in the morning. What he does is he tries to wake up the family but they would not wake up, he tried something else he pounced on their toes, sat on their head, sang yowly songs and he does other silly things to wake them up. They wake up and tell slinky malinki "let us sleep in peace for an hour or 2." Slinky Malinki tries something else like he bounces on their feet and other silly things, then they wake up and go down stairs, and slinky malinki waited and waited then went to bed. I asked my partner some questions about the story then it was time for them to go. I really enjoyed them coming.
Friday, 29 July 2016
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Book Character Parade
Book Character Parade
Today the whole school went over to the hall for Book Character Parade. We were doing book character week because we wanted to bring the magic of books alive. Their was alot of students and teachers dressed up for the book character parade. The first character that went up was Gangster Granny, she gave out books to the juniors. Then all the teachers had to go up and have their photos taken, then room 1, 2, 3, and 4 had to go up on the stage and have their photos taken. When every body in costume finished having their photo taken, the bunny from Alice in the wonderland came in with a letter, Mrs Anderson read the letter. We all enjoyed going to the Book Character parade because we got to bring the magic of books alive.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Reading: Advertising - Afu, Paige, Jasmine, Gozan
Yesterday for Reading LS2 had to create a DLO with 25 words and some photos. This DLO shows what we think advertising is, we could only write 25 words not 24 or not 26 just 25 words. We had to find some pictures to put on this DLO. What I enjoyed about this was our challenge, our challenge was to walk back and forwards to tell the writer what was on the paper that they had to write, we also had to write the correct punctuation.
Attributing Photos - Afu
Today for Inquiry I created a DLO about attributing photos. This DLO has photos from the Olympics 2016, LS2 were learning how to attribute photos. I had to search up a photo, like 2016 Rio Olympic logo. Then I clicked search tools and clicked labelled for reuse, because if you don't do that that, it is stealing someone else's photo they have created. I found a photo and clicked on it, then I clicked on visit page and I had to find the license to show that you had permission.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Orienteering - Afu
Today Leon came into our class for our last session of orienteering. When Leon finished talking to us we had to go down to the junior playground where Elaina (Irine's daughter) was so she could give us the map. I chose to work by myself because it was easier and you don't need to wait for anyone in your team. There was 2 courses one on the field and one by the court I started on course 1, I had to wait 40 minutes till I could run to my first control. I waited for 40 minutes then Leon told me I could go, I looked at my map to find my first destination ( A ), I found it, the first control was in the parking lot out side the school. I had trouble trying to find it, I looked at my map again then I found it, I pushed the control down onto my paper then I went to my second destination. When I finished finding all 11 controls on the first course I went to Elaina for the next map ( course 2 ), I looked on the map for the first control of course 2 then I found it, it was at the back of rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. When I finished the course I ran to Elaina and she wrote the time on the paper, it said 22:30. I could of done better by running faster. I enjoyed the last session of orienteering, and I thank Leon, Elaina, and Irine for coming to our school and doing orienteering.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Life Education - Afu
Today in the afternoon I was working on my life education booklet. Our booklets show us what kind of decisions to make and it has the names of some of the body systems in our body is. I chose to do page eleven, it is about making decisions. What I had to do was to tick the boxes the first one was, which movie to see? then it said no-one, parents, brother/sister, best friend, media ( advertisements ), law, granddads, and teacher, I chose Parents because they chose what movie I can and see. I enjoyed doing this because it helped me make wise decisions and it shows that my parents decides on most of the things I do.
Reading: Deduction - Afu

Today for reading I played a game called deduction. What I had to do was go to the scrap yard then the cinemas, and meet my friends at the skate park using only 5 sections of the road, then I clicked go. When I finished it told me I did great. I enjoyed playing this game because it's challenging, because you have to choose what path to take.
Get Wise with money - Afu
Yesterday the yr 8's went over to the theatre for Get wise with Jeremy. We were learning about how to be wise about using our money we also learnt about cross roads, saving money, how to earn money, bank accounts, and other important things. The first thing he talked to us about was cross roads, everybody has been through cross roads, they are when you can choose the easy path or the choose the hard path. The easy path is a when you choose to do the easy things, the hard path us when you are challenging your self like be the best. The next thing he talked about was how to earn money, you can earn money by doing your chores like do the dishes, clean the benches, fold the laundry, or other things to do around the house. Another way you can earn money is sell and trade, you can sell lemonade, cakes, toys, treats, games, and other things. Another way to earn money is to ask the neighbours if you could do their jobs like pulls the weeds out of there garden, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and other things. First if you want to do your neighbours jobs ask your parents to ask your neighbour for permission and if you can get payed. The next thing he talked to us about was bank accounts, he told us 5 things, 1. spend some on you and save some to, 2. The earlier you start saving the better you'll be, 3. Ways to earn, 4. free $$ interest, 5. save your $$ in your bank. If you start saving in your bank account it will start growing money thru interest. After that he talked about a few more things, then he gave the teacher wrist band ( yellow, grey and black.) I really enjoyed going to get wise with Jeremy because it was interesting and good.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Reading: Non Fiction - Afu
Today for reading I played a game called Non Fiction. I chose to play because it looked interesting. What I had to do was I had to chose either a children book, news story and toy catalogue page. I chose to do a children book, I had to chose a title, text and a picture, for the title I chose to do all about robots, for the text I chose a interesting text, for the picture I chose a red and grey robot. What I found interesting was that a robot does something automatically ( by itself ).
Monday, 4 July 2016
Writing: Birthday Invitation - Afu
Today for Writing I went on to a site, I had to spin a wheel it said Write a birthday invitation for a powerful snow leopard who collects stamps. I think I wrote a good invitation because it has good information of where the birthday is, who is coming, when it is, and what going to happen at the birthday. After we wrote the invitation we had to draw a picture. I drawed a picture of a cake because it represents a birthday.
Reading: Trapped - Afu
Today for reading I played a reading game called trapped. There was two answers I had to look for the right answer and put it in the light side and the other answer I had to put it in the dark side. I think I did good because I answered most of the answers right. I enjoyed playing this game because it was fun and you can learn new things.
Life Education - Afu
Today the Yr 8's went for our first session at Life Education with Nicole. We were learning about the body systems, we learnt about the nervous system, the circulatory system (blood), the muscular systems (muscles), the 5 senses (sight,hear,smell,taste and feel) and other systems. What I found interesting was that your heart is not the shape of a love heart, and the heart is in the centre of your chest. We played to games the first one was when she said a number we had to clap that many time like if she said 4 we had to clap four times, the other game was we had to stand up in a line and close our eyes when we feel someone tap us on the shoulder we had to tap the persons shoulder in front of us. I enjoyed learning about the systems in our body.
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