On Wednesday the 14th in the evening the yr 8's went over to the Pakuranga Sailing club for our Graduation. When mostly everyone was here, we had group photos. After we had our photos taken we went over to the dining room to eat our dinner, we had lasagna, salad, bun with butter, for dessert we had pavlova and ice cream, dinner and dessert was delicious. When we finished eating dinner we had our certificates handed out to us by Miss Kirkpatrick and Mr Grady. Then we went to the hall for our dance. We did the cha cha first, then rock n roll, we did those dances a couple of times, then we did our last dance, and I danced with Charlize. Then our parents were here to pick us up, I had alot of fun at Graduation, Thank Mr Grady, Mrs Berk, Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson for organizing all of that for us.
Friday, 16 December 2016
2016 Life at PBS
This is a collage of my life at Panmure Bridge School, this collage shows what I have done this year in LS2. I've made my own collage using google drawing, it has different shapes, colorful background, and the width of the borders. In this collage I have included some photos from Term 1 all the way to Term 4. This year has been a very busy year, but we managed to get through it all. At the start of the year I was really shy and so was the others, as the year went through I was getting more confident. When I look back at this I will remember how much I have had at PBS. I have enjoyed being at PBS, and Thank you to Mrs Anderson, Miss Naiker, Miss Donaldson, Miss Kirkpatrick etc, for teaching me this year.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Labyrinth - Charlize, Maata, Afu
Yesterday LS2 went over to the theatre to watch a movie called Labyrinth. We filled in these documents Ms. Kirkpatrick sent us. As you can see our activities we worked on as a group of four are here above. The people in my group was Victoria, Cecillia, and Te Paki. As you can here you can also see our DLO we made, included in this DLO is narrative structure, Character intro, and our favorite part of the movie. My favorite part was when Sarah saved her brother Toby and they returned home safel.y
Friday, 9 December 2016
Rockets at Tamaki College
We have had a amazing couple of days at Tamaki College. We would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Ferguson and Mr Dunn for having us again. We all enjoyed blowing up the rockets because it was a fun experiment and everyone had fun. It was really great to see how far our rockets went. Some of our rockets went faring then other's I think this because of our adjustments. We had a drone that had a camera on it & it was controlled by the I pad that is in Mrs Ferguson. It look really fun to controll.
Mr Dunn,
Mrs Ferguson,
Tamaki College
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Tahuna Torea - Afu
Yesterday LS2, LS1, and room 5 went to Tahuna Torea as our topic for inquiry has been flight and Godwit, so we went to see if we could find any Godwit's. In this DLO you will see what we have been doing
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Rockets - Afu
Last week on Friday the yr 7's and yr 8's went over to Tamaki college for tech, after tech we had interval (morning tea), then we went with Mr Dunn to make rockets, first he showed us some videos, one of them was about how to make a straw rocket. Then Ms Kirkpatrick shared a Google presentation to us to make our predictions. Then we had to make our straw rockets, then we had to do fair testing with our straw rockets. Then we recorded our results on this google slides. On this google slides it has what I predicted, my results, the Method, and a conclusion. I had fun doing science with Mr Dunn.
Science: Rockets - Afu
Last week on Friday all the yr 7 and yr 8's went over to Tamaki college for tech, after tech we did science with Mr Dunn. Mr Dunn showed us a couple of videos about rockets, and he showed us a video about how to make a straw rocket. When we finished watching the video we had to get into groups, my group was Sakae, Breeana, Charlize, Jorja, and Maata. We had to predict what will happen to our rocket.Then we had to make our own straw rockets, we got to pieces of straw, tape, and wings. When we made our straw rocket we had to use the straw to blow the rocket,we had to do fair testing, we done that three times, then we had to add wings then fly it three times, then we had to add our last wings then fly it three times. Then we got to make real rockets, we did not get enough time to make so we are going to make it this week. We went outside to the field to see Mr Dunn's rocket fly, it went really high. Then Mr Dunn flew Ms Ferguson's 3d carrot rocket. It went to the sky but we did not see it come down, then we had to go back to the class room and pack up, then go back to school. I had fun at Tamaki College making rockets, Thank you Mr Dunn.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Athletics Day 1!
Friday, 25 November 2016
Hockey: 2nd Session - Afu
Yesterday us year 8's had another session of Hockey with Carly. First we started re-visioning the skills we practiced. One of the skills we practiced was dribbling the ball with our hockey stick. But the catch was, when Carly yelled out 'SWITCH!' then we had to switch with someone with the same color hockey stick as us. Some other things we did to was bouncing the hockey ball on our stick as many times we can and bouncing the hockey ball on our stick as long as we can without letting the ball drop. My favourite game I played was Shark because I liked whacking other peoples balls out of their hockey sticks.
Kiwi Sports,
shark game,
switch warm up
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Inquiry: The connection between the Kauaka and the Maori people
Today we have been making a storyboard on the connection between the Godwit and the Maori people. This task was our last task for inquiry. Our learning intention was to describe the importance between the Godwit to the Maori people. You can have a look at our story board if you want to, but you don't have to.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
First Session - Hockey
Today for kiwi sport we had Mel taught us some basic skills for hockey, we played a game first called bull rush. The couch picked 3 people to go into the middle, then they had to call out something (e.g. Run if you are wearing a red jacket ) then you have to try and run to the other side, but if they touched you you will have to stay still and try and tag the rest of the people. It was a good warm up to get us started for hockey. Then we had to go to the hockey sticks and stand behind them, when everyone was behind one we had to go and get a ball from the bag. Then the mentor then showed us one of the basic skills, which is called dribbling. We had to hold the top of the stick with our left hand, then hold the coloured bit with our right hand, we had to move the ball side to side with the hockey stick. Then we had played a game called traffic lights, there was 6 different colours. Green - dribble the ball, Orange - stand still and move the ball side to side with the stick, Red - stop and make sure the ball is still, Purple - move backwards while dribbling the ball, Silver - dribble the ball fast, Blue - use the stick to move the ball by spinning. When we played that we had to play a game of hockey, we had to try and get the ball in between the cones. Then we had to hold the ball in our right hand, and the stick in our left hand, then we had to throw the ball and hit it with the stick. I enjoyed our first session of hockey.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Godwit bird - Afu, Charlize, Juanita
Last week Charlize Juanita and I have created a popplet about the Godwit bird. We had to include Migration, Habitat, Diet, and Appearance. I learnt that a Godwit can fly from NZ to Alaska without stopping, and it takes longer than a week. Take a look at it and see what you did not know about these amazing birds.
Writing - Afu and Charlize and Maata
Today and Yesterday for reading we had to right a story about rescuing, we had to work in partners my partner was Charlize, and Maata. We had to plan our story first on a paper, after that we had to sit back to back with our partners. We had to write one sentence then the other person has to write a sentence, then we kept carrying on till our time was up. This writing is called 5 minutes of... I really enjoyed doing this because it was challenging when had been timed and we had to write a sentence each till our time was up.
5 minutes of...,
Smog in China
Yesterday we read an short article about smog in China. After that we read the whole text, we then had to highlight some of the text and put S-T (Self to Text, something you read that sounds like one of your life experiences), T-T (Something you read that sounds similar to something else you have read), or T-W ( Something you have read that is happening in the world now). The point of this task was to relate to other things that I've read, seen, or that has happened in the world.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Today I created a DLO about hyperbole and the task that we did yesterday. This DLO shows what hyperbole is and how hyperbole can help enhance in your writing. The task we did was True or false and Fill in the spaces, my favourite one was fill in the spaces because it was challenging and it was hard to think of the words that best fits in the space.
Monday, 7 November 2016
Team Paper Plane
Today for Maths the whole class was put into a group, in my group there was Sylis, Mere, Silivia, Harry, Thomas, and Ana. We had to pick the best planes from our team that had flew the furthest, and then combine them. We had 8 minutes to make it, then we had to chose the best person that throws the paper plane for the competition, we had Thomas throw the plane. We all had to sit down except the people that are throwing the plane. They had to throw the plane three times. Our measurements were 11.20, 14.00, and 14.01. Our teams paper plane plane went the furthest, but the other people still did well. I enjoyed doing this activity because it was a collaborative challenge, it was fun and it had some learning behind it.
Writing quiz
Today for writing we had to do a quiz about recounts, My score was 8 out of 10. I think I done well because I got most of them write. I enjoyed doing this quiz because it was challenging.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Paper Planes - Afu
Yesterday Mrs Anderson showed us a slide show in silence, the slide show had the challenges we had to do. We were put into groups, my group was Ana, Silivia, Sylis, Thomas, Mere, and Harry, we had to work collaboratively to complete our challenge. Our challenge was to see who flew the paper plane the furthest. We had to trial to test our paper planes, and we also had to make different paper planes.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
Inquiry: Jean Batten Timeline - Afu
This week on Tuesday and Wednesday we have created a timeline about our famous flyer Jean Batten. In this timeline we had to algorithm, I chose to do a 4 and 5 algorithm. I found she became the first women that had flew over the South Atlantic interesting. I chose to put links of where I got the information from, and if those links don't work you can click on this - Link 1
and Link 2.
Jean Batten,
The Shake Out
The Shake Out from The Outlook for Someday on Vimeo.
A large Congratulations to Latham, Reon, Sylis, Daniel, and Jasmine for making this movie about the shake out, they have done a really great job. I really enjoyed watching this movie.
A large Congratulations to Latham, Reon, Sylis, Daniel, and Jasmine for making this movie about the shake out, they have done a really great job. I really enjoyed watching this movie.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
How to make a blog post - Afu
This is a DLO of how to make a blog post. I made this DLO so that people can know how to post up a DLO or something else they did, like if a junior had trouble posting there blog post they could come and look at this DLO. I think this is a good DLO because it can help people if they had trouble.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Reading Challenge - Afu
L.I: was to follow instruction and making sure we had to read for the meaning and understanding.
This week for reading we completed our groups reading challenges, Mrs Anderson split us up into groups, my group was Mere, Ana, Silivia, CJ, Sylis, and Harry. Mrs Anderson put down some challenges for us to do collaboratively. The first challenge we did was explaining our story in twenty-five words. The second challenge was to fill in the spaces, our story tickling fish. Our third challenge was to fill in the spaces. Our last challenge was to fill in the spaces, our story was Fish. My favourite challenge was fill in the spaces and the story was Fish, that was my favourite challenge because it was more challenging than the other challenges.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Inquiry: Dehydration and Hydration - Afu, Charlize, Mahdia, Jessie
Today for Inquiry Charlize, Mahdia, Jessie and I made a DLO about Dehydration and Hydration. We have been talking about how our school is only aloud to bring water to school. In this DLO it shows What is hydration, What is Dehydration, write what dehydration and hydration is in 25 words, how does water help us, and why is drinking water in school important. It also shows what the differences between hydration and dehydration. Did you know an energy drink is the same as eating 12 chocolate biscuits. It's like eating nearly a whole bag of chocolate chips cookies.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Panmure Library: Stig - Afu
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Inquiry: Modern and Ancient Olympics - Afu, Charlize, Nazanin, Viva
Last week and this week we had a new rotation for inquiry, we were with Mrs Naiker for Ancient and Modern Olympics. I created this Google slides with Charlize, Viva and Nazanin. In this google slides it shows prior knowledge, attribute images, Note Taking, Venn diagram, A-Z Modern and Ancient Olympics, Olympic games, and kahoot quiz. My favourite challenge was the A-Z Modern and Ancient Olympics because it was challenging trying to think of some a-z Olympic games, and we could not use the internet. I really enjoyed doing this inquiry because it was fun and challenging.
Reading: Word clines - Afu and Jasmine
Today I created a Google slides with Jasmine about word clines. Word clines is a ladder of words that are for year 1's then it keeps on going and turns into powerful words like for year 8's or year 9's. I enjoyed doing this because it was challenging to change a simple word into a powerful word.
Word clines
Friday, 9 September 2016
Sketch note
This week for reading we had to do a sketch note about The Sons of Ma'afu. The sons of Ma'afu is a traditional story from Tonga, and it is retold by Feana Tu'akoi. This is a sketch note retold in my own words, and it has pictures and what the pictures are of. I enjoyed doing this sketch note because it took time and I got to put it in my own words.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
This morning for maths we done a warm up 30 questions and we had to answer them all, we were doing basic fact questions.Then after that we had to do a follow up it was about finding the place value in decimals, We had to answer 14 questions. I found it easy because we were learning about place value in decimals this week. I really enjoy doing maths because it is sometimes easy and sometimes challenging.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Read theory
This term we went on to a new site, it is called read theory. This morning we had to do read 20 on read theory, on the site it has a small text and you have to answer some questions. This helps people read the questions carefully, when you answer all of the questions it will tell you what you need to do better when you answer the questions. If you answer all of them all write you will get points, if you get them all wrong you will go down a level.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Sketch Note - Afu
Last week on Friday Mrs Anderson taught us about sketch notes. Sketch notes are a better way than listing things, its better than writing about 3 paragraphs, it can help you understand the learning, it helps you tell others a learning story by putting it into your own words, and it will make you stay focused and listen. Our topic was questions because we already knew about questions. In the photo is a sketch note about questions, it has the 6 w's (what,when,where,who,why,which), and it has words turned into pictures. I found sketch notes useful because it helps me with my learning and it can help me stay focused.I really enjoyed learning about sketch notes because it can help me in my learning.
New Learning,
Sketch Notes,
Cross Country Training
This term LS1 & LS2 have been doing cross country training with Mr Ogilvie. These are some photos from Monday, we had to warm up before we ran so that we can be warm not cold. We had to pace our self's so that we don't get tired at the end, and we will be able to sprint at the end. We had to do about 5-6-7 laps around the school. I chose to do five laps because it was to tiring to do 6 or 7. I enjoy doing cross country training.
Cross country,
Mr Ogilvie,
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Inquiry: Olympics
This week for Inquiry we had a new rotation, group three went down stairs to Mr Wong for the Olympics and us Diet. We were learning about the athletes diets, we had to do some challenges. They were Nutrients, Ancient Olympic Athletes diet, Modern Olympic Athletes diet, and our diets. My favourite challenge was the nutrients challenge because it was challenging and we had trouble attributing images.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Run,Jump,Throw - Long Jump
Yesterday the whole class went out onto the courts for run, jump, throw. We had Andi couch as, we had a game of octopus first before long jump. Then we had to learn the basic skills, then we went on to the long jump. We had to get into groups and see who can jump the farest, then the people that won went to the finals. I had fun doing kiwi sport.
Long jump,
Run Jump Throw,
whole class
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Inquiry: Hauora - Afu
This week for Inquiry we rotated to another teacher for Olympics. We were with Mrs Anderson and we were learning about Hauora for the Olympics. We had to work with a LS1 person and I was working with Koloa, Jack. We had to do challenges they were, Attributing Images, Try and make our four walls stand, Measure our heart rate, Make Hauora diagram using Canva. Hauora is the 4 walls, taha tinana - physical well being, Taha hinengaro - mental and emotional well being, taha whanau - social well being, and taha wairua - spiritual well being. I really enjoyed doing Hauora being we got to learn about what it means in the Olympics and we got to learn what it is about.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Provocation - Olympic venues
LI: To consider both points of view/ opinions/ perspectives when forming an opinion. Today LS2 had to create a DLO about Olympic venues, our question was Should host nations have to spend so much money on building Olympic venues? We had to include both points of view, my opinion, a before and after picture of an Olympic venue. My opinion was No because they spend alot of money on the buildings. Point of view A thought no, and point of view B thought yes. I chose to do the National Beijing Stadium for before and after, we also had to attribute our images. They spent 2.9 billion on the National Beijing Stadium, I think that is a waste of money because they don't reuse the buildings.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Kiwi sport: Run, Jump, Throw - Andy
Today for Kiwi Sport LS2 went to the hall for run, jump, throw. Our couch was named Andy, we started off with a warm up game called octopus. There were 4 people in the middle of the court, then the the rest off as had to line up across the line, then the people in the middle had to say things like "if you have bare feet run," if you get tagged you have to stand still trying to tag people. We were learning to do stance position and reaction time. We had to line up behind the yellow line, then Andy said to step 1 metre behind the line, then she said "on your mark!" then we had to put our left leg behind the yellow line. Then she said "set!" then we had to leave our right leg at the back of as and make sure our leg is bent and our foot is not touching the ground, then she clapped that's when we ran to the other side of the court. We had cones handed out to as, then we had to put the cones at the court. We had to sit down in a line facing our buddy, when she said on your mark set then she clapped, we had to run to the end of the court and get the cone and bring it back to the middle, team A won the first round. We had a second round and we had to lie down on our stomach and repeat it. I really enjoyed going to run, jump, throw because I got to learn new skills.
Kiwi Sports,
Run Jump Throw
Monday, 8 August 2016
Inquiry: Training - Afu
This term LS1 and LS2 were doing new rotations, the rotations are about the Olympics. Their is ancients and modern Olympics, Diet, Training, and Hauora. I am in Training with Mr Ogilvie, we learn about what the Olympics do in training. This is a DLO created on a Google slides, this shows attributing images, Near pod, Modern and ancient Olympic games, What you need to consider and Organisation. My favourite activity was organisation because it was challenging and I got to explain how to do a basic training skill. I really enjoyed going to training with Mr Ogilvie because it was a cool part of the Olympics.
Current Events - Afu
Today for reading we learnt about the big sleep out on the news, we had to do currents events about the big sleep out. We do current events so we can know what is happening around the world. The big sleep out is about people going to the AUT University for the big sleep out, they have to sleep in the cold weather on cardboard. We had to read the article about the big sleep out, then we had to right our information on the current event DLO. I think that people should give some money to the homeless because the homeless have deal with rough weather, no food, no warmth, and no home. I really enjoyed doing this because we got to learn about what people are doing for the homeless.
Friday, 5 August 2016
Run, Jump, Throw
Yesterday the yr 8's went to the hall for Run, Jump, Throw. Our couch was Andy, we learnt 5 basic skill of running. We had to run in a straight line, run with light feet, run looking at what is in front of as, standing up straight, and run with our arms bent. We had to line up in to line in front of the orange hurdles, then we had to run with high knees while we were going over the hurdles. Then we had a race to see witch line will finish first. I really enjoyed going to Run, Jump, Throw because I learnt 5 basic running skills.
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Time Tables Quizizz
Today for Maths the whole of LS2 played a game called Quizizz. We were practising recalling our 5 times tables at a speed using quizizz. We were having a race to see who is the fastest at doing their timetables. We only got 10 seconds to answer every times tables. When the game finished it shows what you need to work on. It was ranking in order, the first time I played the game I got 3rd and the second time I played I got 18th. I think I done well because I was getting a good rank.
Times tables
Friday, 29 July 2016
Buddy reading
Today in the afternoon room 3 and 4 came to LS2 for buddy reading. My buddy was named Pati he is from room 4, we read a book named Early bird. This story was about a cat named Slinky Malinki, he wakes up very early in the morning. What he does is he tries to wake up the family but they would not wake up, he tried something else he pounced on their toes, sat on their head, sang yowly songs and he does other silly things to wake them up. They wake up and tell slinky malinki "let us sleep in peace for an hour or 2." Slinky Malinki tries something else like he bounces on their feet and other silly things, then they wake up and go down stairs, and slinky malinki waited and waited then went to bed. I asked my partner some questions about the story then it was time for them to go. I really enjoyed them coming.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
Book Character Parade
Book Character Parade
Today the whole school went over to the hall for Book Character Parade. We were doing book character week because we wanted to bring the magic of books alive. Their was alot of students and teachers dressed up for the book character parade. The first character that went up was Gangster Granny, she gave out books to the juniors. Then all the teachers had to go up and have their photos taken, then room 1, 2, 3, and 4 had to go up on the stage and have their photos taken. When every body in costume finished having their photo taken, the bunny from Alice in the wonderland came in with a letter, Mrs Anderson read the letter. We all enjoyed going to the Book Character parade because we got to bring the magic of books alive.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Reading: Advertising - Afu, Paige, Jasmine, Gozan
Yesterday for Reading LS2 had to create a DLO with 25 words and some photos. This DLO shows what we think advertising is, we could only write 25 words not 24 or not 26 just 25 words. We had to find some pictures to put on this DLO. What I enjoyed about this was our challenge, our challenge was to walk back and forwards to tell the writer what was on the paper that they had to write, we also had to write the correct punctuation.
Attributing Photos - Afu
Today for Inquiry I created a DLO about attributing photos. This DLO has photos from the Olympics 2016, LS2 were learning how to attribute photos. I had to search up a photo, like 2016 Rio Olympic logo. Then I clicked search tools and clicked labelled for reuse, because if you don't do that that, it is stealing someone else's photo they have created. I found a photo and clicked on it, then I clicked on visit page and I had to find the license to show that you had permission.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Orienteering - Afu
Today Leon came into our class for our last session of orienteering. When Leon finished talking to us we had to go down to the junior playground where Elaina (Irine's daughter) was so she could give us the map. I chose to work by myself because it was easier and you don't need to wait for anyone in your team. There was 2 courses one on the field and one by the court I started on course 1, I had to wait 40 minutes till I could run to my first control. I waited for 40 minutes then Leon told me I could go, I looked at my map to find my first destination ( A ), I found it, the first control was in the parking lot out side the school. I had trouble trying to find it, I looked at my map again then I found it, I pushed the control down onto my paper then I went to my second destination. When I finished finding all 11 controls on the first course I went to Elaina for the next map ( course 2 ), I looked on the map for the first control of course 2 then I found it, it was at the back of rooms 1, 2, 3, and 4. When I finished the course I ran to Elaina and she wrote the time on the paper, it said 22:30. I could of done better by running faster. I enjoyed the last session of orienteering, and I thank Leon, Elaina, and Irine for coming to our school and doing orienteering.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Life Education - Afu
Today in the afternoon I was working on my life education booklet. Our booklets show us what kind of decisions to make and it has the names of some of the body systems in our body is. I chose to do page eleven, it is about making decisions. What I had to do was to tick the boxes the first one was, which movie to see? then it said no-one, parents, brother/sister, best friend, media ( advertisements ), law, granddads, and teacher, I chose Parents because they chose what movie I can and see. I enjoyed doing this because it helped me make wise decisions and it shows that my parents decides on most of the things I do.
Reading: Deduction - Afu

Today for reading I played a game called deduction. What I had to do was go to the scrap yard then the cinemas, and meet my friends at the skate park using only 5 sections of the road, then I clicked go. When I finished it told me I did great. I enjoyed playing this game because it's challenging, because you have to choose what path to take.
Get Wise with money - Afu
Yesterday the yr 8's went over to the theatre for Get wise with Jeremy. We were learning about how to be wise about using our money we also learnt about cross roads, saving money, how to earn money, bank accounts, and other important things. The first thing he talked to us about was cross roads, everybody has been through cross roads, they are when you can choose the easy path or the choose the hard path. The easy path is a when you choose to do the easy things, the hard path us when you are challenging your self like be the best. The next thing he talked about was how to earn money, you can earn money by doing your chores like do the dishes, clean the benches, fold the laundry, or other things to do around the house. Another way you can earn money is sell and trade, you can sell lemonade, cakes, toys, treats, games, and other things. Another way to earn money is to ask the neighbours if you could do their jobs like pulls the weeds out of there garden, rake the leaves, mow the lawn, and other things. First if you want to do your neighbours jobs ask your parents to ask your neighbour for permission and if you can get payed. The next thing he talked to us about was bank accounts, he told us 5 things, 1. spend some on you and save some to, 2. The earlier you start saving the better you'll be, 3. Ways to earn, 4. free $$ interest, 5. save your $$ in your bank. If you start saving in your bank account it will start growing money thru interest. After that he talked about a few more things, then he gave the teacher wrist band ( yellow, grey and black.) I really enjoyed going to get wise with Jeremy because it was interesting and good.
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