Today I made a hip hop dance on scratch. I used good music in the background and the people have really cool dance move's. I hope you check it out and comment. Enjoy!
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Monday, 14 December 2015
Tamaki College, Certificate
Today in the assembly two visitors came from Tamaki College, they are Miss Bunce and Mr Dun. They came to Panmure bridge school to present the yr 7 & yr 8 participation certificate in creating our moon rover at Tamaki College for science. I would like to say a big thank you for the certificates. I really appreciate going to science at Tamaki College and I hope it will be cool next year. Thank You.
Wednesday, 9 December 2015
Today I commented on 4 blogs, 3 from PBS and 1 From A Manaiakalani cluster blog. I left feed back a d feed forward. Room 5's focus was to be cyber smart and leave a good comment.
Friday, 4 December 2015
New flag results
This is the results of the New NZ flags at PBS. The one I voted for was the Blue, Black, and white Fern because the black bit stands for the strength of all New Zealanders and the blue bit stands for the Water and the Sky. The design is really Amazing.
Thursday, 3 December 2015
Choosing a new flag
This morning my class did 4, 3, 2, 1 the way this works is we got 4 minutes to choose out of 5 flags then read the information about the five flags then we had to pick our favourite flag and think how to explain why, then we had 3 minutes to find a partner and tell them what flag we like and why, then we had 2 minutes to find a different partner and tell them what flag we like and why, then we had 1 minute to find 3 other people and tell them what flag we like and why.
Using google drawing my group and I made this DLO about choosing a new flag. Out of these flags I will choose the first one. The reason why I would choose that one because the black bit represents the strength of all New Zealanders and the blue bit represents the water and the sky. I think this flag will be good shown around the world.
Monday, 16 November 2015
Simple machines
With my group we created this diagram about levers. The purpose why we made this diagram is so we understand what simple machines are and also how they work.
Friday, 13 November 2015
Science: Afu
Science at Tamaki College
Today after tech all the year 7 & 8's stayed at Tamaki college for science, for our first session. Our science teacher name was Mrs Bunce. We had to write what was science about on a sticky note, then we had to stick it on a A4 piece of paper, then we had to decide whose answer we were gonna say out of my group, my group said " Science is mixing potions together" . We also learnt lots other new stuff about science .The people in my group was Me, Juanita, Jessie, and Ducati. After we were finished we had to answer some questions that we have learnt today .We really enjoyed going to our first session of science.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Reading Activity
This is my reading activity that we have created using google slides, the purpose of making this DLO is to understand what simple machines are and how they were used in the past.
Monday, 2 November 2015
Cigarettes: Afu
We have been going to a dare program. This is for the year 7 and 8. The dare program help us to face the difficulty in life such as smoking cigarettes and drugs. This program help us make wise choice. This program also help us know the facts about cigarettes and drugs.
Friday, 30 October 2015
Breakfast in schools: Afu
In my opinion I think that New Zealand children should get the opportunity to have breakfast in schools because what if children don't get to have breakfast in the morning because they were in a rush.
The reason why I think this is because children struggle when they don't have any breakfast and the children will not be able to have breakfast at home.Children need to have a good start to the day and be happy.If they don’t have any breakfast before they come to school then they won’t be energized or focused on their school work.
Secondly, I think it would be a good idea for the government to provide breakfast for all schools in NZ because around 15% of children go to school hungry and missing breakfast is common for Maori,Pacific and children living in deprived areas.
Lastly, I think that it is a good idea for NZ schools to have breakfast in schools because sometimes you get angry when you don’t eat and the kids won’t be focused.
The children might be in a hurry and might not get to eat there breakfast so that is why the government provide breakfast in schools.
I think that all schools should provide breakfast in schools because it will impact on their learning and the behaviour and they will not be able to learn properly. They might not be able to have an opportunity to get breakfast because they would of been in a rush. Now you know what I know now you can tell me what you know.
This is what I wrote for should schools provide breakfast in schools.
Friday, 23 October 2015
Tech: wood work
Today at tech the year 7 and 8's went to Tamaki college. The year 8 done digital tech and the year 7's done wood work. At wood work I was making a truck and the other's were making other interesting stuff like boats, cars, boxes, and helicopters. 

Music: Afu
Today room 5 had music with Mrs Anderson and we used an xylophone. It was kind of hard for me and some others as well. We all learnt the different types of keys like G, D, C, and E. We learnt to play a song called The Saints go Marching in and it was a bit complicated playing at the same time. Mrs Anderson gave us some time to practise the song with our buddy. It was fun doing music with the class.

Care award: Personal passion
This is one of the task from the Care awards. The task is Personal passion. It tells you what my passion is and some pictures of origami, a chef and a drawing.
Care award: Life at PBS
This is a DLO from one of the care award task. The task is Life at PBS. It shows what I have done at Panmure Bridge School.
Care Awards: Tom Latham
This is a DLO about A respected leader. Me, Saruja, Tim, Evelyn and Tiare decided to do it on Tom Latham because we think he's a respected leader, and he is a good role model.
Cyber Safety: Afu
This DLO is about how to be cyber safe. I created this DLO because it was part of care awards and it can help people that doesn't know how to keep cyber safe. I hope this DLO helps little kids to stay away from cyber bullying.
The 5 w's: Afu
This week for homework I created a DLO about the language of questioning.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
Basket ball: Afu
Today room 5 went to practice basketball in the hall. We were learning to do stance, dribbling, relays, cup the ball, and pivots. We had to get into 4 lines at the end of the hall then the first person in the line had to sprint down the hall and back then the second person, third, fourth and fifth. After that we done the rest of the things for basketball like stance, dribbling, cup the ball and pivots. I really enjoyed going to basketball.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Understanding Multiplication: Afu
Here is a DLO I created using google drawing. This DLO is about different ways to show your 7 times table. In this DLO I have put some ways to solve your times tables.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Careers - Afu and Jessie
Here is a popplet that me and jessie did.This popplet has different kinds of doctors like paramedics and search/rescue.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Today we did ukulele because Mrs Eles couldn't be able to teach us. So my teacher had to try and teach us with help from Fine, Tim, and Yvette. Our teacher had to learn to do ukulele as well. Everyone had to play a song using a ukulele we played Islands. Everyone enjoyed it and they were good. Fine, Tim, and Yvette done a great job.
Shake out
Here is a DLO I created with my friends Courtney and Jasmine. It tells you about what is a shake out and other stuff about the shake out.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Story Swap
For writing today we practised writing recounts that make sense. Our teacher put up a photo of an abandoned building on our class tv which in partners we would write a recount based around it. My partner was Afu. We needed to write a sentence each watching carefully to see what the other had written so we could carry it on. It was difficult because we weren't able to talk and we had to carry on the sentence without knowing what our partner was thinking. I learnt how to communicate with someone without needing to talk. It was a fun and creative way to practice recounts and I really enjoyed it. We were given a set time to do this in. I hope you enjoy our short fiction recount :)
I ran to Mary’s room. Eye’s filled with tears, heart beating out of my chest. I had to tell her. She jumped out of her bed towards me and asked what happened. I began to tell her my story. “It was midnight. I heard someone screaming so I went outside to see where it was coming from. I was lead to an abandoned house. The colour had faded, the windows were shattered, and when I had walked inside, the ceiling was falling apart. Then the door slammed behind me. My instincts were screaming get out! But my feet said otherwise. I started walking but every time I took a step, the floor creaked like it was going to break. The screaming faded, there were only faint whispers. The lights went off and on. My feet took me upstairs and towards the only door I could see. I slowly opened the door… I tip toed my way inside. It was completely silent, and completely dark. Suddenly, the room filled with light. There was blood everywhere. I was grabbed from behind. I looked out the window towards the moon which I thought would be the last thing I would see. I squeezed my eyes closed, and then opened them to see I was in my room. I then realised, it was only a dream”.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Multiplication game: Afu
Monday, 12 October 2015
Problem solving revision: Afu
I have learnt how to solve the answer to the problem and I found it a bit hard.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Cross Country School Fun Run: Afu
Today rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 went to Dunkirk reserve to do the Panmure Bridge School fun run, cross country. The year 1 girls went first and everybody was getting all excited and happy. Then a few minutes later Mrs Kirkpatrick clapped the blocks and the year 1 girls started running and everybody started cheering and encouraging the girls. Then when they finished running the year 1 boys also had to do the same. Then the year 2, 3 boys and girls had to do the same. Then it was time for the seniors to run first was the year 4 girls out of the seniors to run then it keeped on going till the year 8 boys finished running. After the school fun run was over we all went back to school.
Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Speech: Afu
This is my speech.
Burned,crippled,poisoned! helpless,sick! I can go on forever talking about the wrongs of animal testings but instead i'm just going to get to the point. Hi I’m going to tell you about why animal testings must be banned.Do you know what is happening to these poor animals?, we are killing them and they are dying because the doctors are doing test on these animals it is horrible. It will be better if all the people stop testing all the poor animals immediately!
I want you to be listening to what saying because I am going to tell you some questions about animal testing.What would happen if the animals are about to die from all the testing? Why do you think it’s a good idea to test animals?
Universities and medical schools needs to stop testing animals? They are thinking that they are helping the animals, but they are not, there affecting the animals. Which is obviously not a good idea!
Two reasons the first reason. why I think animal testing must be banned is because animals are getting really ill. Cats,Dogs,rats those are only some of the animals that get tested on.Some of these animals are dying and getting sick.Secondly, I think it would be good for the government to do something about it. Even animals that are protected under AWA can be abused and tortured.
What would you do if your pet has been tested. Then a couple of hours later the doctor will come and tell you“your pet did not survive” because they done lots of test on the poor animal.
The way to solve the problem is to, Stop testing the animals, not for ever. If you are testing animals that are well, you are trying to make them feel sick and unwell. That is why they are getting closer to dying.
Guess what is happening to these animals, we are affecting them because the people are doing training and other stuff on the animals it is horrible. If you are saying in your head “ who cares if the stupid animals are dying” Then what would you have for dinner . Not meat because there will be hardly any left.
On Monday the 14 in the afternoon I did my speech to my teacher Mrs Anderson. I think I did pretty good.
My colour wheel
We mixed and match colour's to make a different colour and this is what it looked like.
Kiwi Sports
Kiwi Sports
On Thursday on September in the morning room 5 went to do kiwi sports. The sport we done was long jump and high jump to learn a new a new skill. A lady named Andy she taught room 5 some good skills for long jump and high jump. We learnt that we have to be swinging our arms when we are jumping, and we also have to bend our knees when we are landing and also you won't get injured, and we also have to be looking straight ahead, and last of all you have to have two feet landing when you jumped.That was for long jump now here's what we learnt from high jump.We have to slightly bend our knees when we do the scissors jump over the bar, and we also have to run from a angle in a J shape, and when we do the scissors jump we have to do quick action, and we also have to jump from the side of the lead leg last but not lease we have to we have to make sure we jump with our right leg with our right arm together and the same with the left leg.
Celebrate the Cook Islands
This is the DLO about the Cook Islands being celebrated. There is some information about somebody that has celebrated the Cook Islands. There are some photos about the Cook Islands being celebrated.
Dehydration & Hydration
This is a DLO about Dehydration & Hydration. Manu wrote what Dehydration means and I done what Hydration means.
Monday, 14 September 2015
The Colour Wheel
In art room 5 made a colour wheel with Miss Donaldson. Colour wheels are wheels that have different types of colours. We used the primary colours the primary colours are Red, Yellow and Blue those are the colours that you can makes any colour with.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Tongan language week
This what I done for my home work for Tongan language week. I choose to do a Tongan song in the background and I hope you Enjoy It!!!
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Afu- First time using scratch
This is the is the first time using scratch the year. The year 7's did something different from what I was doing. I wanted to animate my name, I got some ideas from some other people and I hope you Enjoy what I did with this scratch. :)
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Kiwi sport
Kiwi Sports
On Thursday August in morning room 5 we went to do Kiwi Sports the sport was Run, Jump, Throw to learn a new skill for sprinting.This athletic lady named Andy taught room 5 some skill drills, relays and hurdles. We learnt that we have to stand up tall, look straight ahead, cheek to cheek arm movements, light feet and high knees.When we run we never look at the starter, we have to look straight ahead and stand up tall. When Andy says ON YOUR MARKS we have to put our left foot on the yellow line and our right foot at the back of our left foot so the next thing she will say is GET SET we have to bend our knees a bit and put our left arm behind our left leg then put our right arm in front of our right leg the last thing she does is CLAP then we have to run.
Friday, 14 August 2015
On the 11th of August Ropu Tawhirmatea maths group learnt a different way to work out our takeaways.The way to work it out is to split the numbers up. Example: 23-9= So first you split the 9 up into 3 & 6 . Secondly you do 23-3 so that will equal 20. Thirdly you do 20-6 so that will equal 14 so the answer to 23-9 is 14. So that's how Ropu Tawhirmatea maths group splits up the numbers.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
leaning shortcuts on a acer/chromecut.
Today I learnt about more about shortcuts on a acer/chromebook witch will help me throughout my learning.
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Home Learning: Pay It Forward
Home Learning:Pay It Forward
Part of last nights home learning was to do something with or for someone else . I chose to make a cup of tea for my mum and she was really pleased and said "Thank You Afu"she replied . I felt really happy.
Thursday, 6 August 2015
Speech Marks
I have learnt new things about speech marks. We have done this to help us improve on our writing.
We also done this to make a short video it will be on my blog before next week.
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